Itikaaf in Masjid Al-Aqsa
Due to Covid-19 and other potential issues, we would not encourage the E’itikaaf group to sleep in the enclosed area of Marwani, Masjid al-Aqsa. We would recommend that you book a hotel to sleep in and spend the rest of the time in the Masjid for this year.

Tour Around Masjid Al Aqsa
- Masjid Qibli
- Dome of the Rock
- Masjid Buraq
- Masjid Marawaani and Aqsa Qadeem (Old Aqsa Masjid)
- Office of Imam Ghazali and Mahbassul Jinn/Musallah Babur Rahmah
Old City Tour
- Masjide Umar RA
- Church of the Holy Sepulchre
- Visiting two Sahabah in the graveyard
- Al Buraq Wall/ Wailing Wall
External Ziyaarat (In Coach)
- Jericho (Mount of Temptations | Dead Sea | Maqam of Musa AS)
- Bethlehem (The Church of Nativity | Dividing Wall)
- Halhul (Maqam of Yunus AS)
- Khalil/Hebron (Masjide Ibrahim AS)
- Jerusalem (Mount of Olives and Jabal Mukabbir | Grave of Shamooil AS | Amwaas | Bab Lud | Jaffa – Mediterranean Sea)
How to Book
Book own flights to Tel-Aviv (Ben Gurion Airport).
After your flight is booked, ring +44 (0) 7472 965 158 and also send a message with your name and trip to request to be added into the WhatsApp Group for this trip. If this doesn’t work email [email protected] to be added to the group. All communication will be through the WhatsApp group.
Complete the Hotel Booking Form (will be on the WhatsApp group). You will not receive confirmation once submitted. If you want confirmation, send a WhatsApp message (do not ring) to +44 (0) 7472 965 158 after completing the form and request confirmation. We will confirm all hotel bookings on the WhatsApp group a few weeks before travel. No alterations or cancellations can be made to your hotel booking within 1 week of the group travel date.
Stay in the WhatsApp Group for updates on this trip. We will arrange a face to face meeting/seminar in Bolton for those who can attend and an online seminar for others a few weeks before leaving to discuss plans and details.
Money for transfers, Excursions (£75) can be paid at the seminar if you attend otherwise at Al-Aqsa.
The hotel cost should be paid a few days after settling at the hotel in Al-Aqsa. Payment will be in pounds (no card payments).
The Process to Enter Israel
You will gain entry into Israel via the Health Ministry Declaration Form: 48-hours before your flights, you will need to complete this form:
Once you file this form properly, within minutes you will receive an email from “Do Not Reply-MOH,” which is the record you need to show at the airport. Your green pass will be included.
If your vaccination certificate is not digitally validated in Israel, it could take longer to receive this email.
Tips for completing this form correctly:
- Must be completed within 48-hours of a flight; it will be the basis of your entry to Israel.
- You will need specific flight information, i.e., the name of the airline, the flight number and the estimated time that it arrives in Israel.
- You will need a specific isolation location, with a specific street address and number for the hotel that cannot be changed later on.
- You will need to upload your vaccination records via PDF. If you have a vaccination record with a QR code, use it.
- Make sure all files are under 1MB, and use to compress files.
- Everyone needs a negative PCR test from within 72 hours prior to take off.
You must have your negative PCR test and a copy of the 48-hour Entry Declaration Form to board a plane to Israel.
These are the only documents you need.
C. Protocol for Arrival in Israel:
- Everyone, bar none, including Israeli citizens, need to take a PCR test upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport. Please reserve your test in advance with TestnGo:
If you test positive at Ben Gurion Airport, you will be in 10-day quarantine. There are no exceptions and we have no way to shorten your quarantine if this happens. - On your TestnGo form, please use an Israeli cell number that you have access to. That is where you will receive results of your PCR test. Failure to provide an Israeli cellphone number can become problematic.